Thursday 3 November 2016

Checkout 4 Ways To Make Men Attracted To You

Learning how to make a guy want you can be quite easy if you follow these simple steps. You may notice that you already do some of the techniques and tactics, but using just one or two is not enough. If you really want to make him want, desire and need you, you need to get good at doing all five. Here’s how.

Wellness Tips: 6 Symptoms of stomach ulcer..


Stomach ulcers arise from the discomfort following painful sores around the stomach lining.

Stomach ulcers also known as peptic ulcers happens in at least one out of ten adults and it become increasingly common. These ulcers can be formed in the small intestine or the oesophagus.
For ulcer, a painful sore forms around the stomach usually when the thick layer of mucus meant to protect the stomach digestive juices is reduced in which case, the digestive acids eats away the tissues lining the stomach!

Wednesday 2 November 2016

5 Habits That Are Clogging Up Your Pores Like No Otherr

Fact: We all have pores—and we’ve all been annoyed with them at some point. Pores are simply one of those little physical things that bother many individuals, both men and women alike. certain habits can make them look bigger and cause skin issues. Here’s what you should stop doing if you want to keep yours as unclogged as possible:

Checkout 5 Unbelievable Causes of Vaginal Odour




There are unbelievable seemingly unimportant factors causing vaginal odour ladies should watch out for.

To start with healthy vagina naturally has an acidic pH level as well as healthy bacteria to help keep infections at bay so it's safe to say the vagina is self cleansing. Though it's important to keep the area well maintained and catered to, it doesn't necessarily mean high maintenance.

6 Possible Reasons Why Christian Men No Longer Want a Church Girl..

Christian men what are you looking for? When left to our own devices, it causes women to question and wonder why. And here are a few theories that I’ve found currently floating around this topic:

1. Savior Complex
Could it be that some Christian men pursue women outside of the church because of the savior complex—a man’s need to save the damsel in distress? Could it be that men see the women in the church not needing a savior, so they pursue women who need one?

Healthy Eating: 10 best snacks for weight loss

Snacking is a vital tool in your weight loss plan. Some people think sacrificing snacks help them lose weight.
Healthy snacks ensure you won't be ravenous come mealtime and keep your fat-burning metabolism revved up.
Here are 10 snacks that will make you feel like your diet is about anything but deprivation.
  • Oatmeal
Oatmeal aren't just for breakfast they're good any time you need a hearty treat. Full of fiber, they help regulate blood sugar levels to keep you from crashing.

Sunday 30 October 2016

Wellness Tips: Six Home Remedies to Treat Ailments




Do you wake up with a sore throat the day you're set to have that major presentation? or you overdo yourself at the gym and come home with a stiff neck?.


Well trying out home made remedies for these kind of ailments can be very effective and pocket friendly rather than running to the doctor. So clear some space in your bathroom cabinet, refrigerator, and kitchen cupboard for these surprisingly safe and effective remedies.
The following are six home made remedies that work;

For Guys: 6 Things a Woman Does Only If She Really Likes You


How does a man know that a woman really likes him?

What are the things to watch out for?
When you notice her doing many of these six things listed below for you, you should know that she really does like you, for she would never do them for someone who does not really mean much to her.

Five Reasons Why Dating Your ex's Friend is a Bad Idea


For starters, let us categorically state it - you no longer owe your ex any loyalty.

However, there are some really valid and persuasive reasons why you should not date his or her friend.

We explain five of these reasons;

Friday 30 September 2016

Check Out Natural Ways to Remove Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are generally painless and can appear anywhere on the body. They are very common on the abdomen after childbirth.
As skin is stretched, the collagen is weakened and its normal production cycle is interrupted and damaged. Stretch marks can also appear by dramatic weight gain or loss.

Stretch marks are perfectly natural and they won’t cause you any health problems, but, if you want to reduce the appearance of stretch marks, here are three natural ways to do it.

Research Says Men Prefer Women With Less Makeup

In a recent report, The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology says that men find women more attractive with little or no makeup.

As many men have been eager to point out repeatedly, wearing heavy make-up is not all that matters when trying to get their attention.

Tuesday 9 August 2016

What You Need to Know If Your Period Started After Age 12, You Need To Read This!

Ladies who started their period at the age 12 or older are more likely to live up to 90 years old! wow! isn't it amazing?

A group of researcher from the University of California San Diego School of Medicine did a recent survey by tracking over 15,000 women- who started their periods after age 12 and experienced menopause at fifty (50) years- for twenty-one years and found out they were more likely to live till age 90!

Even though, varying from a person to the other, an average girl who started her first period around age 12 with normal puberty in girls set from age 8-13. In recent times, girls who see their first period around age 14 are seen as late bloomers!

The study also stated that the ‘late bloomers’ will live a longer life compared to an early bloomer! The former will definitely lay claim to this if they led a healthy lifestyle, no?

What’s your say about this new study?

Monday 25 July 2016

This Woman’s Legs Can’t Stop Growing due to a chronic disorder [Photos]

36-year-ol woman identified as Katie Page is suffering from Lipoedema, a chronic disorder that causes fatty tissue to accumulate in mass around the lower body.

The woman from New Jersey, USA, has started a series of liposuction sessions in order to reduce her 4ft wide legs, and prevent them from growing further.

Saturday 23 July 2016

How Paracetamol Causes Infertility, By Researchers

Couples where man has ‘high levels of drug in his system are 35% less likely to conceive’

Experts have warned that a common painkiller could impair a man’s fertility.
New research suggests that paracetamol, which is also known as acetaminophen and sold under the brand name Tylenol in the United States (U.S.) and Panadol in the United Kingdom (U.K.), has been linked to infertility.

The findings are published online in Human Reproduction but was first reported by DailyMailUK Online.

Five Side Effects of Birth Control Pills

Birth control pills are hormonal contraceptive pills that are effective to prevent pregnancy.

Pills usually come in small tablets that are to be used daily. They are synthetic types of the progesterone and estrogen women take for preventing pregnancy.

A lot more women also use them in order to not worry about their partners not using a condom.

When you start using pills, there are side effects physicians usually don’t share but almost happen.

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Two Ways to Conquer the Agony of Toothache Naturally

Toothaches are common and differ from mild discomfort to unbearable throbbing pains; toothaches are for no reason to be toyed with.

Toothache can come as a result of cracked tooth, cavities, gum disease, an infection, a cracked, tooth, gum disease and many more and while it’s best to see a health practitioner to get it fixed.

Monday 20 June 2016

Note: 7 Signs Your Partner Is Too Selfish For a Relationship

Not everyone you find yourself attracted to is essential cut out for a relationship. Unfortunately, some people have a long way to go until they’re empathetic and selfless enough to give out genuine love.

1.     They care more about your career than your character.
If you never feel quite good enough for your partner—and she’s much more interested in what you do than who you are—consider it a big, glaring red flag.

Monday 6 June 2016

Note: 12 Things Ladies Should All Know About V*ginal Discharge

V*ginal discharge is one of those things we really can’t prepare for. One day (maybe everyday!), you look down and it’s simply there, staring back at you, gradually staining your favourite pair of underwear as you wonder why you even bother buying such fancy undergarments in the first place.

With that being said, v*ginal discharge is COMPLETELY normal – below are some things you may not know about it.

1.                 1.     Discharge is the V*gina’s cleaning product.
The v*gina uses discharge to clean out bacteria, extra water, and even the v*ginal wall’s cells.

2.               2.       Discharge changes throughout the menstrual cycle.
Discharge is up to 30 times more mucous may be released before one ovulates. It also tends to appear stretchy and watery (which is why panty liners would be a big help during this time)

Saturday 21 May 2016

Personal Development: Five Best Ways to Control Anger

Do you think it’s satisfactory to attend anger management when needed? Are you shy or scared people might think otherwise? See other options.

Truly anger exist! I hate being angry just like everybody else. It’s never a good thing particularly if it leads you to do some dumb things! People kill or commit suicide due to anger and for me not to do such crazy stuff, I derived ways to deal with it before it took control of me.

best ways to control with anger are:

Monday 16 May 2016

Two Ways to Lighten the Skin Naturally With Tomatoes [Guidelines]

Tomatoes are great natural bleaching agents when used a skincare ‘products’.
Full with anti oxidants, they are known to lighten dark spots and helps the skin remain youthful as well as brighter. Tomatoes also work as a natural astringent that helps tighten the skin as well as shrink large pores, leaving the skin tight and glowing.
Tomatoes also work perfectly to lighten the skin for an even skin tone or to clear dark spots. Here are two ways to achieve an even lighter skin tone with tomatoes.

Friday 13 May 2016

Read: If You Have Dark Lips Try These 2 Natural Remedies

Dark lips can be caused by a lot of factors ranging from personal hygiene, diet to a lot more causes.
Dark lips can also be elicited by skin disorders, chemicals and other lifestyle factors while skin lightening products and reactions to cosmetics can cause same as well. The lips tend to be naturally lighter in some area as the melanin on that part of the lip is way less compared to the rest of the body.
Try these 2 home remedies if you want lighter lips:

Note! Half of Your Friends Do Not Consider You Their Friend

If you  consider someone your friend doesn’t mean that they feel the same way. A new study, published in PLOS One, indicates that people may have more one-sided friendships than they think they do, according to Scoop.
According to the study, researchers from the MIT Media Lab asked 84 undergraduates in a class to score how they knew other people in the class. They “asked each participant to score every other participant on a 0-5 scale, where 0 means ‘I do not know this person’, 3 means ‘Friend’ and 5 Means ‘One of my best friends,” as the paper explains. Then, the participants were asked to predict how other people would score them.

Sunday 8 May 2016

Photo of baby boy born without an anus in Plateau state

A baby boy without an anus has been born in Pankshin LGA, Plateau state.
According to reports, he was born on the 30th of April,2016. His mother had observed that baby’s tummy kept swelling up so she rushed him to the town hospital in Pankshin. They were referred to Plateau state Specialist Hospital where doctors

Friday 1 January 2016

Telemundo Star Carlos Ponce Strikes Intricate Yoga Poses With Girlfriend [Photos]

The good-looking and totally goofy Carlos Ponce and his Telemundo popular girlfriend Ximena Duque who have been together since   year 2010 are both fitness buffs. The Puerto Rican actor shared the photos on his Instagram. More when you continue..

Funny! Wife Attacks Husband For Farting

Dawn Meikle, 55-year-old wife allegedly attacked her husband while in their house for refusing to stop farting. What ensued next was as a result of his negation to listen to his wife’s plea. The husband sustained many scratches as deep as eight inches across his chest as confirmed by the police.
 ‘Dawn began kicking her hubby out of their bed.”

Wonderful! Eating Fish, Meat before Rice Controls Blood Sugar

This write-up will amaze people living with diabetes. The next time you are served a plate of rice, it is advisable to consume the fish or meat before the rice. Japanese researchers says they have established that eating fish and meat before rice can help control blood sugar in people with diabetes because it slows down the stomach.

Inspiring! This Guy Didn’t Let Disability Hold Him Back

This man doesn’t have legs but that did not stop him from working and making amazing things. What’s your excuse? #Belnspired! More photos after the cut..
