Monday 20 June 2016

Note: 7 Signs Your Partner Is Too Selfish For a Relationship

Not everyone you find yourself attracted to is essential cut out for a relationship. Unfortunately, some people have a long way to go until they’re empathetic and selfless enough to give out genuine love.

1.     They care more about your career than your character.
If you never feel quite good enough for your partner—and she’s much more interested in what you do than who you are—consider it a big, glaring red flag.

Monday 6 June 2016

Note: 12 Things Ladies Should All Know About V*ginal Discharge

V*ginal discharge is one of those things we really can’t prepare for. One day (maybe everyday!), you look down and it’s simply there, staring back at you, gradually staining your favourite pair of underwear as you wonder why you even bother buying such fancy undergarments in the first place.

With that being said, v*ginal discharge is COMPLETELY normal – below are some things you may not know about it.

1.                 1.     Discharge is the V*gina’s cleaning product.
The v*gina uses discharge to clean out bacteria, extra water, and even the v*ginal wall’s cells.

2.               2.       Discharge changes throughout the menstrual cycle.
Discharge is up to 30 times more mucous may be released before one ovulates. It also tends to appear stretchy and watery (which is why panty liners would be a big help during this time)
