Sunday 30 October 2016

Wellness Tips: Six Home Remedies to Treat Ailments




Do you wake up with a sore throat the day you're set to have that major presentation? or you overdo yourself at the gym and come home with a stiff neck?.


Well trying out home made remedies for these kind of ailments can be very effective and pocket friendly rather than running to the doctor. So clear some space in your bathroom cabinet, refrigerator, and kitchen cupboard for these surprisingly safe and effective remedies.
The following are six home made remedies that work;

For Guys: 6 Things a Woman Does Only If She Really Likes You


How does a man know that a woman really likes him?

What are the things to watch out for?
When you notice her doing many of these six things listed below for you, you should know that she really does like you, for she would never do them for someone who does not really mean much to her.

Five Reasons Why Dating Your ex's Friend is a Bad Idea


For starters, let us categorically state it - you no longer owe your ex any loyalty.

However, there are some really valid and persuasive reasons why you should not date his or her friend.

We explain five of these reasons;
